Scholarship Overview

The Government of Canada provides numerous scholarship programs to help candidates from other countries who want to study, do research, or obtain professional development in Canada for a limited time. The Canadian Government Scholarships office at the University of Alberta offers scholarships based on the length and level of study. The Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program, Canada-Asean Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development (SEED), and Study in Canada Scholarships are all part of the scholarship.

Host institution(s)

The host institution is University of Alberta, Canada.


Undergraduate and postgraduate short courses.

Scholarship value

The scholarship provides between $8,200 CAD and $15,900 CAD depending on the level and program.


Eligible candidates must meet the following:

  • A signed institutional partnership and student exchange agreement or a Letter of Invitation from the University of Alberta professor who has agreed to supervise you is required for an undergraduate candidate seeking for a research-based experience.
  • An inter-institutional agreement is preferred but not required for graduate admissions.
  • At the time of application, student candidates must be enrolled full-time in their intended degree program.
  • Because the scholarship does not include language training, applicants must be fluent in the language of instruction at the Canadian university (English or French) before arriving in Canada.

Application instructions

  • Interested applications should investigate their choice of programs and get in touch with the program instructor and email them with the following information:
    • Your full name and contact information
    • Your home University and home country
    • Whether you are currently an undergraduate (bachelor) or graduate (master or doctoral) student
    • Which year of your degree program you are in
    • The full name of the scholarship program you would be applying for
    • How long you wish to do research for (4 months, 5-6 months, 8 months)
    • Your ideal start date (must finish no later than February 1 each year)
    • Documents such as your CV/resume, university academic transcripts, and/or cover letter
    • A link to the information for host supervisors
  • Once the candidate has identified a possible host supervisor, they will collaborate with their home institution and the University of Alberta host supervisor to acquire the necessary supporting papers, which will then be submitted together with the Electronic Application Form.

Visit the official website to start your application