Grants and Scholarships Overview

Michigan State University (MSU) provides a variety of financial aid options, including grants, scholarships, and loans, specifically for international students. These funding opportunities are typically designed for short-term assistance or as degree completion loans rather than full academic program support. International students often seek additional funding from non-MSU organizations that offer scholarships, grants, and loan programs.

Graduate Student Funding

Graduate students at MSU may find funding opportunities within their academic departments. These departments often have specific resources and programs to assist graduate students with their educational expenses.

Eligibility for U.S. Federal Financial Aid

It is important to note that international students are not eligible for U.S. Federal Financial Aid programs, including government-subsidized student loans. This limitation means international students must explore other funding avenues.

OISS Funding

The Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS) at MSU offers a few scholarship and financial support opportunities for international students and scholars. These are tailored to assist with various aspects of the international student experience.

MSU Funding

MSU provides resources to assist with emergency funding, tuition assistance, and scholarships. These resources are designed to support students in different financial situations and may apply to a variety of needs.

Other Funding Sources

There are also external sources of funding available to international students and scholars. These outside organizations often have scholarships and grants specifically aimed at supporting the international community in higher education.

In summary, while MSU offers limited funding options for international students, there are various resources available both within the university and through external organizations. Students are encouraged to explore all potential funding opportunities to support their studies at MSU.