Scholarship Overview;

The University of East Anglia (UEA) offers Music Scholarships to new students who demonstrate exceptional musical achievement and commitment. The scholarship program is designed to support musicians of any instrument, voice, style, or tradition, encouraging them to develop their musical and leadership skills and actively contribute to UEA's musical life.

Host Institution(s);

The University of East Anglia, known for its commitment to providing high-quality education and fostering a vibrant cultural scene, hosts the Music Scholarship program.


The scholarship is available for undergraduate students enrolled at UEA, covering various fields and faculties. It is open to musicians of any instrument or voice, across all styles and traditions.

Scholarship Value;

Each Music Scholarship is worth £3,000, payable over three years. The scholarship is intended to help recipients develop their musical skills and partially fund music lessons for their instrument or voice.


Applicants are expected to demonstrate a high standard of performance, which can be showcased during an audition. For musicians accustomed to the graded exam system, a performing standard equivalent to Grade 8 or above is a benchmark. However, formal qualifications or exams are not required. Music Scholarships are exclusively for UK citizens, including citizens of the Channel Islands or Isle of Man. International or EU citizens can apply for the Music Centre Award instead.

Application Instructions;

To apply for a Music Scholarship, candidates must complete the following steps:

  1. Submit an application form by 6pm on Wednesday 8 May 2024. The form can be completed online or downloaded and emailed to

  2. Make a video of yourself performing three contrasting musical pieces (maximum total length of ten minutes) and upload it (unlisted) to YouTube. Email the link to by the same deadline.

  3. If your application is successful, you will be invited to a web-based interview with the Director of Music and the Choir Director, scheduled for Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May 2024. Alternative arrangements can be discussed if you're unavailable on these dates.

The scholarship aims to find talented musicians who can lead and significantly enhance the musical environment at UEA. For any questions regarding the scholarships, applicants are encouraged to contact