Scholarship Overview

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2024 session for Foreign Scholars and Artists has been announced for the class of 2024-2025. The deadline for Swiss Government Scholarships applications is December 31, 2024. Switzerland Government Scholarships are available for all subjects and degree levels.

The Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships each year to promote international exchange and research collaboration between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. The Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students chooses the recipients (FCS).
The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for 2023 are aimed at young foreign researchers with a master's or Ph.D. degree, as well as foreign artists with a bachelor's degree. The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships 2024-2025 are fully funded and cover full tuition, stipend payments, room and board, health insurance, and other student expenses.

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Host Institution(s)

Various Swiss Universities


A master's or any postgraduate degree in any available field.

Scholarship Value

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are fully-funded and cover the following.

  • Airline Tickets at No Cost
  • Fund for Sponsored Research
  • Housing Allowance Payments
  • Accommodation at no cost (CHF 300 housing allowance)
  • Monthly Stipend Sponsorship (CHF 1,920)
  • Paid Health Insurance
  • Full Tuition Fee Waiver


Eligible candidates must meet the following

  • Applicants must be fluent in the language skills required for the research/studies.
  • Applicants must submit a letter from an academic host professor (along with a brief CV) at the chosen Swiss university confirming why they are willing to supervise and support the research.
  • The application will be rejected unless such support is provided.
  • Applicants who have lived in Switzerland for more than a year prior to the start of the scholarship in September are ineligible.
  • Applicants who have previously received a Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship are ineligible to apply for another scholarship.
  • Applicants must submit a research proposal with a timetable. This is the application's focal point.
  • The applicant must give it his or her full attention.
  • Scholarship recipients are expected

Application Instructions

  • The following documents are needed to successfully apply for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.
    • Certificates and grade sheets from previously attended universities/colleges, as well as diplomas with grades, beginning with the most recent. If not in English, French, Italian, or German, with attested certified English translations. Please do not send in the original certificates.
    • Two confidential letters of recommendation in the applicant's field from two different professors (use exclusively the FCS reference form – originals in sealed envelopes only for the 1st set). There are no copies of the second set.
    • Two copies of the applicant's passport are required (main page with personal data). Dual nationals should include copies of both passports. Applicants who are already in Switzerland must submit a copy of their Swiss residence permit during the application process.
    • medical certificate signed (use only the FCS health certificate form).
    • FCS application form (typed and printed) signed with photos
    • A copy of a letter from an academic host professor at the chosen Swiss university confirming why she/he is willing to supervise and support the research (including her/his short CV).
    • Motivational letter (max. 2 pages).
    • A complete CV that includes a list of academic publications, awards, and so on.
    • A full research proposal (maximum of 5 pages, signed), using only the FCS research proposal form.
    • A brief curriculum vitae of the academic mentor at the home institution.
    • Statement of purpose or study plan
  • The above documents should be sent to their local Swiss Country Embassies prior to their country-specific deadlines, check here and here for the country specific deadlines
  • Application deadline is December 31, 2024.

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