Scholarship Overview 

For the Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Award 2023, which aims to acknowledge promising graduate-student researchers in their last year of completing a PhD dissertation, applications are being accepted from qualifying individuals.

The Foundation is open to applications from any field within the physical, social, or allied sciences that will further knowledge of the origins, consequences, and management of violence and aggression.

Scholarship value

The grant, which is worth $25,000 for one year, helps a doctorate candidate get the financial support they need to finish their dissertation on time and further the Foundation's stated research goals. They are exclusively accessible to students who need assistance during their final year of doctoral studies.

Doctoral research is not supported by the prize. Candidates may be nationals of any country who are enrolled in colleges or institutions abroad.


Eligible candidates must meet the following:

Entering the dissertation phase of graduate education as a Ph.D. candidate. Typically, this signifies that writing has started or will start at the start of the award period, and fieldwork or other research is finished. An application shouldn't be filed if the analysis and writing are not advanced enough for the candidate to be confident that the dissertation will be finished within the award year. It is appropriate to apply when research and writing may be fairly expected to be finished within the same year, especially in experimental fields.

Application instructions 

  • The Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards 2023 are now accepting online applications through the specified date. To view the application and instructions, applicants must register.
  • Application deadline is 1st February, 2023

Visit the official website for more details